Pomona Police Officers' Association
The Pomona Police Officers' Association Serves The City of Pomona and Its Members With Honor and Pride. It was founded in 1952 by President Joseph H. Butcher and the board of directors. The goal of the Pomona Police Officers' Association is to partner with the community and provide quality police service through community interaction, emphasizing the highest degree of cooperation, professionalism and ethical behavior, and to create an atmosphere of safety and security. Their community policing approach helps neighborhoods keep safe by working with our police officers daily. The Pomona Police Officers' Association is active in our community and many of our members volunteer in Pomona and the communities where they live.
The PPOA is committed to not only the safety of their citizens and business but to providing charitable contributions to those in the community who need help the most. Currently PPOA is involved with the Boys&Girls Club, Pomona Little League, Pomona Pop-Warner, and Special Olympics, charitable organizations. For more information about the work PPOA does in the communities please click here.
Photos courtesy of the PPOA website.